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No Biz Like Showbiz Page 22

  “I swear neither Ace nor I knew about the surprise suitor.”

  “I know. I believe you.”

  Ace pulled up in front of the studio and I quickly hopped out.

  Basia climbed out, as well. “Ace, can you wait a minute for me?”


  Basia ran after me, trying hard to keep up with my long stride. “Lexi, you know I would have told you if I’d known. Cartwright must have arranged it in secret.”

  “Basia, I totally believe you. Really. It’s okay. It’s just that Nelson is Slash.”

  “What?” Basia grabbed my arm, whirling me to a stop. “Slash? What are you talking about?”

  “Slash is Nelson Soddenbag. I don’t know what he’s doing here or what’s going on, but I don’t have time to worry about it now.”

  Her eyes were wide. “How did Slash get mixed up in this?”

  “How does Slash do anything? He’s anyone and anywhere he wants.”

  “Are you sure it was him?”

  “Of course, I’m sure. I almost didn’t recognize him. But the eyes...they were all Slash.”

  “Lexi, are you sure? It was dark and you might have been mistaken.”

  “I am not mistaken. It was definitely Slash.”

  Basia ran her fingers through her short dark bob, looking agitated. “I believe you think it was Slash. But you’ve been under a lot of pressure these past few days. It could be your mind paying tricks on you.”

  “You’re just going to have to take my word for it. It was him.”

  She nodded. “Okay. I do. I’m so damn tired, I can hardly think myself. I don’t think I’ve recovered from Rome yet.”

  “Go back to the hotel and get some sleep. My real work is just beginning. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “What time do you need me here at the studio?”

  “Whenever you want. There’s no more filming, just editing and putting it all together for the show tomorrow. Thankfully, it’s not live, so I don’t have to be dressed, present or otherwise. That’s good for me because I can be in the IT room as the actual voting starts and finishes. I’m going to catch this guy tomorrow night, Basia. Then we’ll have the real wrap.”

  “Yes, you will.” She smiled and gave me a hug. “You did a great job tonight, Lexi. You kept it together under difficult circumstances. I’m proud of you.”

  “Thanks for helping me, Basia. I mean that. Having you near always makes me feel better.”

  “That’s what best friends are for.”

  “As usual, you’re right.”

  She patted my cheek. “Good luck catching the hacker.”

  “Appreciate it. I’m going to need some of that luck.”

  We parted ways. The studio guard let me in and I walked down the hallway. It was fairly busy with much of the editing staff on hand. I was just outside the IT room when someone grabbed me from behind, slapping a hand over my mouth. Before I could blink, I had been dragged into the nearby employee bathroom with the door closed and locked. I struggled as the light flicked on and the hand lifted from my mouth.


  “Sorry, cara. I couldn’t afford to have anyone see us talking.”

  He was still dressed as Nelson Soddenbag. He leaned over the sink, pulled the retainer from his mouth, grabbed a case from his pocket and then dropped the retainer in. “That feels much better. Why is it that somehow we are always meeting in the bathroom?”

  My heart was still doing the tango from his grab and drag. “You just scared me half to death. What are you doing in California? No, more importantly, what the hell are you doing on the set, masquerading as some geeky CEO?”

  He stood and closed the small distance between us. Before I could say another word, he pulled me into his arms and gave me a soft kiss on the mouth.

  “I’ve missed you,” he murmured against my mouth. “So much.”

  It was such an amazing kiss I almost forgot I was mad at him. I blinked and then pushed against his chest. “Don’t try to distract me. Seriously. What are you doing here?”

  “We need to talk.”

  “We just had a talk, Nelson.”

  “Ah, but now I want you to talk to me, not Nelson.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “There is something called a phone, you know. You don’t have to show up on a dating show just to talk to me.”

  “Perhaps, but this needed to be handled in person. Not to mention you haven’t been answering your phone.”

  “I haven’t decided how mad I am at you yet. How did you get into the studio?”

  “I rode over with Tony. Told him I wanted a tour...after I went to the bathroom.” He fingered a tendril of my hair. “I figured you’d come to the studio to work and I was right. How are you?”

  I crossed my arms against my chest. “I’ve been better.”

  “What on earth made you decide to go on the show?”

  I sighed. “It wasn’t an easy decision. I wanted to keep the cracker engaged. He’s been inconsistent in his goals in regards to the show. At first I think he just wanted to have the power to control it. Then he wanted it shut down. After the guys banded together and threw the fake girl off the show, he did a one eighty. He decided instead of shutting down the show, he wanted me to stay as the new girl. I balked at first, but Cartwright threatened to fire the IT staff and members of his own staff if I didn’t comply. Plus, I wasn’t going to walk away and let the cracker go free because I didn’t have the guts to talk to a bunch of guys on television.”

  Slash frowned. “Regardless, it’s not like you to give in to blackmail.”

  “No, it’s not. This is something personal between the cracker and me. How did you find out I had agreed to star on the show?”

  “I talked to Elvis. In a bizarre twist of coincidence, I had actually been approached several months ago about appearing on this show. Well, not exactly me, but my alter-ego, Nelson Soddenbag.”

  “Seriously? You made up a fake identity to come on this show?”

  “The identity is fake, but my company is real.”

  “What’s with the name Soddenbag?”

  He chuckled. “I wanted a name that would project a certain sort of image. I really do own Frisson LLC of New York. I set up the company under a pseudonym. I created the persona of a reclusive scientist who had no interest in mingling in New York circles. I’m helping the government with exactly the things I told you about on the patio tonight. However, because I’m never seen, I’ve become gossip fodder in New York high society circles. People believe I’m a rich, clueless bachelor, a perfect target for many society types I don’t have time for. They’ve been trying to figure out who I am since I started the company two years ago. Naturally I’m reclusive because no one can know who I really am.”

  I frowned. “So, you’re like some gazillionaire businessman on top of everything else you do?”

  He shrugged. “The company has done better than I expected.”

  “So why in the world would you risk that anonymity on national television?”

  “Why else, cara? I wanted a chance to win the heart of the girl. I really did have my people call the studio. It was arranged in less than an hour. Mr. Cartwright was almost delirious.”

  I studied his face. “You do realize you didn’t have to do this to win my heart.”

  “Perhaps not. But it isn’t beneath me to try to impress you, especially after I completely mishandled our earlier conversation about the video. I’m sorry, cara. I said everything wrong.”

  I closed my eyes. “You hurt my feelings.”

  He took my hand. “I know. I apologize. I had no intention of doing so. The honest truth is I watched the video because I wanted to know what kind of camera he used and if I could figure out to trace it. The fact that he hurt you—embarrassed you
like that—it made me crazy. I didn’t know how to best help you.”

  I opened my eyes. “Really?”


  “Is that part of the reason why you came out here?”

  He exhaled. “Yes, I needed to see you, to convince you I’m sincere in my apology.”

  “He filmed me naked in the shower.”

  “Damn it, I know. I wish you would let me go after him.”

  “This is my deal.”

  He clenched his fists. “Can’t you see how hard this is for me? I understand that this is your operation, not mine. I get that, despite my protective tendencies when it comes to you. But don’t tie my hands completely.”

  I considered his words. “Hmmm. You know what I think?”

  “I’m almost afraid to ask.”

  “I still think you came here because you don’t think I can handle it.”

  “Not true. I know you can handle it. But I’m also here to help. If you so wish it.”

  “Help? How?”

  “Well, I figured you considered it an inside job, which is part of the reason why you agreed to go on the show. By extension, that makes the contestants suspect. So, what better way to keep an eye on the suspects than to become one and move in with them?”

  My mouth dropped open. “You’re living in the mansion?”

  “I am now. But I’m out of there if you wish it.”

  “No, that’s...that’s actually great. Clever idea, Slash.”

  “I’m relieved you approve. I toyed with letting you know ahead of time, but I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull it off. When it finally worked out, things went down to the wire in terms of logistics and time. In addition, I thought your reaction would be more genuine on film if I didn’t tell you I was coming. There was little time to prepare as it was.”

  “That outfit...your walk, the teeth. I understand the shuffle, given the cast, but it’s really prime. I was surprised tonight. You truly are a master of disguise.”

  He grinned. “I do want to remain as anonymous as possible. I was afraid you wouldn’t recognize me.”

  “You’re wrong, Slash. I’d know you anywhere.”

  “That’s my girl.”

  “You think I’m your girl?”

  “Well, I’m working on it. Eating humble pie is not an easy task for me, but I’m learning.”

  I smiled just a little and then leaned forward. A million thoughts went through my head, but I tried to focus on the important ones—lips soft and slightly parted, eye contact, a slightly tilted head, and breathe. I cupped his cheeks with my hands, touching my lips to his, trying to remember the precise calculation for mouth pressure.

  He stilled as my lips touched his and then he sighed, his arms sliding around my back, pressing me closer. “Ah, cara, does that mean you’re not mad at me anymore?”

  “It means you are on the right road.”

  He nibbled at my ear. “I didn’t think it would be that easy.”


  My thoughts started to drift as his lips made his way down my neck. I snapped myself back to focus. “Okay, you can stop now. I’m trying to think. When you do that, I can’t hold a rational thought.”


  I pushed him again. “Slash, seriously. Your presence at the mansion changes things. It’s given me an idea...”

  He lifted his head, his eyes gleaming. “What do you have in mind?”

  I gave him a quick run down. He listened intently, nodded, and offered a few refinements. Finally he nodded.

  “It’s doable, cara, and better than that, it’s good.”

  Someone knocked on the bathroom door.

  “Taken!” I yelled.

  Someone said something and I heard footsteps walking away.

  “Slash, I’ve really got to go.”

  Slash braced an arm on either side of me against the door and leaned in for one more kiss. “I know. I just want to say you look beautiful tonight, cara. You turned every head in that room, mine included.”

  “You’re just saying that. They put all these fancy clothes and makeup on me. I didn’t do anything.”

  “Except be yourself, which makes you more beautiful and desirable than ever. Be careful tonight.”

  “He’s a misguided hacker, not a psychopath. Well, at least, I hope not.”

  “He might be dangerous if you box him in. And that worries me.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  He sighed. “Si, I know that well, and yet it doesn’t quite ease my concern.”

  I opened the bathroom door a crack and peeked out. The hallway was empty. I started leave, but instead, I stopped. I took a breath and turned to face Slash.

  “By the way, I talked to Finn. We’re not dating. I clarified things. I like him, quite a lot actually, but I’m not sure things were ever aligned in the right way for us in terms of dating. Most importantly, I can’t manage the boss-employee-potential boyfriend angle. So, I told him that.”

  “I see. How did he take it?”

  “He seemed kind of surprised. Maybe disappointed. I can’t be sure. But he said he understood and he still wants to be my friend. Most importantly, I can keep my job.”

  He kissed my cheek. “I appreciate you clearing that up for me.”

  “Slash, would it...have made a difference to you if I had been dating him?”

  Slash didn’t answer right away. Then he smiled. “It doesn’t really matter now, does it?”

  “I guess not. So, what does that clarification mean in terms of our situation?”

  He ran his fingers down my bare arm. “It’s up to you. You know where I stand. You’ll figure it out.” He gave me a little push out the door. “Go catch that hacker, cara. I’ve got my own work to do.”

  Slipping out, I closed the door behind me. I smoothed down my hair. I hoped I didn’t look guilty from the kissing as I opened the door to the IT room.

  The entire IT staff was present and accounted for. Noah whistled as I walked in. “Damn, you clean up well, girl boss.”

  I shrugged. “It’s just an illusion. Don’t get used to it.” I sat down in front of my monitor, slid my computer glasses on my nose and wound my hair back into a ponytail. “Anyone got a rubber band?”

  Melinda dug in her purse. “Use a scrunchie. A rubber band will break your hair.” She tossed me a black one.

  I caught it with one hand and tied my hair back. “Anything new?”

  Kyle shook his head. “He’s been awfully quiet. No manifestos, no systemic or careless attacks on our system, no nothing.”

  I nodded. “That’s okay. Hopefully, I’ve given him something to vote on tomorrow after the show.”

  Carlos perched on the desk next to me. “So, how’d it go with the guys tonight?”

  “Really? You have to ask?”

  He looked delighted. “I most certainly do.”

  “Well, if you must know, it was beyond hellish. But I managed it in a weird sort of way. At least I was one of the lucky ones who didn’t get hurt.”

  Carlos laughed and rubbed his hands together. “Oh, man. I can’t wait. It’s hard to believe I’m actually looking forward to watching the show.”

  “Forget it. You’re going to be watching your screen.”

  He pointed to the television hanging from the wall. “I can do both.”

  “Not if you’re going to be distracted.”

  Carlos held out his hands. “Hey, as soon as the voting starts, it’s eyes on my screen only. I promise. Until then, I’m planning on being entertained by you and that screen up there.”

  I still hadn’t got used to the idea that I would be appearing on television. It gave me the heebie-jeebies.

  “Fine but now it’s work time. We
need to finish the final preparations for the voting tomorrow. Everyone knows their assignments.”

  “Slave driver,” Noah mumbled, but everyone settled down in front of their respective computers.

  Tony and Nelson came by about a half hour later, but I sent them on their way after Kyle said he’d drop me by the hotel when we were done.

  We all worked until about eleven o’clock until Kyle sent everyone home. He and I worked for another hour until he pulled my chair away from the computer.

  “C’mon, Lexi. Let’s go home. We’ve got to get some sleep. We’re as ready as we’re ever going to be. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”

  “I know. I just want to double-check everything.”

  “You’ve double—and triple-checked and so have I. The bases are all covered. We’re both dead tired and we’re going to make a mistake if we keep on going in this condition.”

  I rubbed my eyes. He was right. I pushed back from the terminal. “Okay. I’m done.”

  We locked everything down and left the studio. When I got to the hotel, I dragged myself to my room, undressed, and spent a good fifteen minutes scrubbing every bit of gunk off my face. I fell face-first on top of the bed and was out before I could even climb under the covers.

  The perfect end to a not-so-perfect day.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  I dreamt of birds.

  Beautiful rainbow-colored birds that flew among the lush jungle foliage of the Amazon. Birds that twittered, chattered and chirped. And chirped some more.

  I sat up in my bed. Sun streamed into the room from a small part in the curtain. I glanced over at the clock. Ten thirty in the morning. Crap.

  I stumbled to my purse and dug out my phone. It wasn’t chirping anymore. I checked my phone. Low battery and I had eighteen messages.


  I pulled up the call log first. Seven calls were from my mother, one from my brother, Rock, one from my dad, three from Finn, one from Ken, my assistant at X-Corp, three from a series of unknown numbers (probably Slash), two from Cartwright and six from Kyle. All were from this morning.

  I called Kyle. He answered the phone on the first ring.

  “Where have you been?”