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No Biz Like Showbiz Page 13

  “Well, the email mentioned you.”

  “Me? What did it say?”

  “It said, Tell Lexi Carmichael to stay or else. Do you know what that means?”

  I exhaled. “Yeah, I understand. Don’t worry, Dad. I’ll fix everything.”

  “What does it mean?”

  “I’m working a difficult case in Hollywood and it’s probably connected. It’s complicated. I’ll explain it all later.”

  “You’re in Hollywood? Look, I don’t care about computers or fake emails. I care about you. You’re still recovering from your injuries. Are you sure it was wise to rush out on a new job so quickly?”

  “I’m sure, Dad. Really, I’m fine. Don’t worry. How’s Mom?”

  “Since you left without saying goodbye? Since you won’t pick up your phone and call her back. Mad as hell. You’re going to have to make it up to her big time.”

  I cringed. “Tell her I’m sorry, I really am. This trip was unexpected. I’ll make it up to her. I promise.”

  “Good luck with that. She was convinced you were on your deathbed and then suddenly you’re in Hollywood.”

  “I’m perfectly fine, just a little sore in spots. My hand feels much better. It’s just this case is complicated, Dad. But I’ve got it under control. Sort of.”

  I talked with him for a few more minutes and then hung up, pressing the phone to my forehead. Things were going from bad to horrific. I needed to talk tech speak with someone, and I knew exactly whom I needed. I punched in the numbers.


  “Hey, Elvis. You got a moment?”

  “For you, always. How are things?”

  “Not so good. Can I ask you a question? Have you had any intrusion attempts tonight on your home servers? Anything out of the ordinary?”

  “Funny you ask. Just had an attempt an hour ago, but no dice.”

  I wasn’t surprised. Not even an exceedingly excellent hacker would ever breech the genius that was the Zimmermans’ network.

  I leaned against a car. “Someone’s on my tail.”

  Silence. “Okay, spill.”

  I told him the whole story, ending with the Cartwright’s insistence I go on the show and the cyberattacks on X-Corp and my dad’s law firm.

  There was a long silence. “He planted a camera in your hotel bathroom and posted video online?”

  I felt tears spring to my eyes. “Yes.”


  I wasn’t sure I’d ever heard Elvis say that word. Somehow, it made me feel better. “Now he’s targeting my work and family.”

  “Lexi, I’m not clear on why he wants you to go on this show. I thought you said he wanted it shut down.”

  “He did. But he’s suddenly changed course. I’m not sure if he’s trying to distract me and keep me too busy to find him or whether he has an ulterior motive. Truthfully, I have no freaking idea why it’s suddenly so important to him.”


  “Possibly. He scored big on that when he posted that video of me. But it didn’t stop me. I may have failed to catch him up to this point. But I’m close. I think he may be running scared.”

  “He wants to be in control. This is his way of regaining the upper ground.”

  I considered. “Yes.”

  Silence again. I could almost hear him thinking. “Who would profit the most if the show continued?”

  “Everyone has an agenda, but I think SWM has the most to gain. But they also have the most to lose.” A headache throbbed behind my eyes. “Our cracker has a new plan and somehow I’ve become part of it. It may throw a wrench in my plan.”

  I began walking around the parking lot again. “I think the revolt was an unexpected crimp in his plan. It was spontaneous. Organic, if you will. However, I think rather than being annoyed by the revolt, he’s pleased, perhaps even amused, and is embracing it. The problem is me. I have to cooperate in order for things to progress in a way he now finds interesting. If I don’t participate, he’s sending me a not-so-subtle message that he intends to make my life, and the cyber lives of my friends and family, a living hell. I can’t be everywhere at once, Elvis, protecting everyone I know.”

  “Personal cracking is the worst kind.”

  “I can’t see a way out. Do I have a choice?”

  “You always have a choice, Lexi. What does your gut tell you to do?”

  “It tells me I can’t let him get away with this. He’s not going to control me. He’s not going to own me. I know he’s on the inside, and I may even know who he is. But this changes the game, and I wasn’t ready for it.”

  “You may be on even footing then. He likely wasn’t ready for it either.”

  “But he’s called me out. I’m not walking away from that.”


  I exhaled. “So, game on.”

  A long pause ensued. “Are you sure about this, Lexi?”

  I closed my eyes and tried to steel my resolve. “Yeah, I’m sure. Thanks for helping me think this through, Elvis. I needed that. You’ve helped me more than you know. Guess it’s official. I’m the new girl on the show.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cartwright had moved my things to the new hotel and I spent a lot of time looking through the room and bathroom before feeling comfortable enough to settle down. It was a nicer room, a suite, but I found it hard to appreciate it given what had happened.

  The next morning at the studio, before I made any official announcement, I found Tony and asked him to drive me out to the guys’ mansion.

  A cameraman met me at the door, his camera rolling.

  I glared at him. “Get lost. I mean it.”

  Tony nodded at the guy. “Do it. Her word is gold now. Orders come from Cartwright himself.”

  The guy lowered his camera and headed out to the pool. Eldrick walked down the stairs in a gray T-shirt and pair of soft shorts, blinking sleepily. “Hey, Lexi. Tony. What are you guys doing here?”

  It was time for me to get my head in the game. “Get the other guys and assemble them here.”

  The sleepiness vanished. “What happened?”

  “I’ll explain it, but I only want to do it once. Get everyone down here.”

  “Okay. We were up late with a marathon gaming session of ‘Vector Fission IV.’ Barnaby slaughtered us, but damn, it was a good time.”

  I perked up. “Really? I like that series. I haven’t played version IV yet. Is it as good as the others?”

  “Better. The 3D effects are prime.”

  “As expected. Thanks for the update.”

  “Sure anytime.” He paused, shifted uncomfortably on his feet. “Look, Lexi, I want you to know I think it’s awful what the cracker did with that video of you. He’s a coward of the worst kind. We all deleted it without watching it. Well, except maybe Gregg. But at least he was mad about it on your behalf.”

  I wasn’t sure what I could say to that. “Uh, thanks, I appreciate it.”

  He turned and jogged up the stairs.

  I looked at Tony. “No offense, but I need to talk to the guys alone.”

  He shrugged. “Sure, I don’t even understand what you guys say to each other half the time. I’ll join the cameraman poolside. No skin off my nose.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  I wandered into the living/gaming room, but was too nervous to sit. I examined the fireplace and then turned around as Gregg strolled in. He smoothed his hair with his hands and adjusted his sweats on his bony hips, swaggering toward me. I was surprised his pants didn’t just slide off as he moved.

  He eyed me appreciatively. “Holy Batman. Girl in the geek cave. How are you, babylicious?”

  “I feel like hurling when you talk like that, actually.”

  “I b
et you’ve come for a little Gregg-lovin’ in the wee early morning hours.”

  “Unequivocally, no.”

  “So, what did you think of our show last night? We showed Lucy who we really are. We had balls in abundance, didn’t we?”

  I grimaced. “I’d rather not discuss balls in any shape or form.”

  “I’d show you mine in a parsec if you just gave the word.”


  Ray walked in, plopped sideways into a plush armchair. “Stop making a royal ass of yourself, dude.”

  “Hey, some girls dig the dirty talk. I happen to be an expert at the sex talk. Just ask me, Mr. Fifty Shades of Gregg.”

  I was saved from answering when Anson walked in blinking and rubbing his eyes. “Hi, Lexi. What’s up? Are they shutting down the show after our revolt last night? I kept expecting Cartwright to call me in and haul me out, but he didn’t.” He looked around the room. “Hey, where are the cameramen?”

  “Gone temporarily.”

  Eldrick walked in with Truman and Barnaby. I waited until everyone was seated and made sure all the guys were present and accounted for. I remained standing.

  “So fill us in, Lexi,” Eldrick said. “How did the suits take our mini-revolution last night? Is the show done? Who got voted off? Even more importantly, did Lucy get canned?”

  I felt significantly better that everyone was way more interested in the fate of the show than in a video of me naked in the shower. I appreciated it more than I could verbalize.

  I pondered the best way to present the issue and then decided I just needed to go with it. “First of all, the show is not cancelled and no one got voted off. Apparently the episode last night got the highest ratings in the series history.”

  “I figured,” Eldrick said. “They were talking about it on all the late night talk shows last night.”

  “However, as far as I know, Lucy is history.”

  Truman punched a fist in the air. “Yes! We got rid of her.”

  Ray laughed. “Dude, you couldn’t wait to get a piece of her a week ago.”

  Truman sniffed. “That was before my standards were Lexi. You are going to be our new girl, right?”

  “About that...”

  Anson leapt to his feet. “You can’t say no. You just can’t.”

  I held up a hand. “Technically, I can do whatever I want. I didn’t sign a contract to star on a television show and I do have standards. Somewhat.”

  Barnaby frowned at me. “‘But our neural conduits have melded into an acute awareness that has become both mutually beneficial and satisfying. We are one in many ways. You cannot leave me behind.’ Ab’Jona to Chardonnay in ‘Diffusion Disaster.’”

  I actually smiled. “I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it. I’m considering it but only because I have a plan to catch this hacker and being on the show might actually help me.”

  Eldrick leaned forward, placing his hands on the coffee table. “Interesting. What kind of plan do you have in mind?”

  “Sorry, the plan is mine alone. However, I need you to back me up on my requirements for being on the show.”

  Ray crossed his ankles. “What kind of requirements did you have in mind, Lexi?”

  “Well, I’m in full agreement with you guys about no frankenbiting and no cruel or stupid jokes or situations. I also want to have a say in who stays and who goes on the show. But I need you guys to be open to the idea of audience voting as well.”

  Eldrick studied me. “Why?”

  “Why do you think?”

  Truman laughed. “She’s keeping the cracker engaged. Good thinking.”

  “But doesn’t it make you nervous to know that this may be the hacker’s plan all along?” Anson asked.

  “You guys worry about the show and leave the cracker to me.”

  Ray lifted his hands. “Okay. I’m on board.”

  “Don’t agree just yet. We need to make a few things clear.” I took a deep breath. Even among my peers, this was going to be a hard speech to make and I had to be perfectly clear.

  “There is not going to be any kind of proposal—marriage, sex, or otherwise—during or at the end of show. Plus, there will be no sexual hanky-panky of any variation. I’ll be upfront and say I have no intention of sleeping with any of you now or in the near future. We will simply use this show as an opportunity to practice our social skills and maybe show off the smarter side of our personalities. Capisce?”

  Truman looked at Gregg. “Did she just say hanky-panky? I might be in love.”

  Gregg laughed. “She had me at capisce.”

  I smiled, relief sweeping through me at their apparent support. “Plus, I’m going to insist on no bathing suits, no hot tubs, and no hotel rooms. Everyone on this show will be required to keep shirts and pants on at all times.”

  Anson whistled. “Okay, now I think I may be in love.”

  I walked over and sat on the couch next to Truman, then pulled out a small notebook from my purse. “Now let’s put our collective heads together. If anyone has any other requirements to add to the list before I take it to Cartwright, now would be the time to do it. For once, I think we have him right where we want him.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  I had Cartwright over a proverbial barrel and he knew it. He accepted all my demands, including the one that I was history as soon as I caught the hacker. He wasn’t thrilled about accepting that one, but he did. Whether it was because it was nearly the end of the show’s season or he didn’t think I’d catch the hacker before that, I couldn’t be sure. He also reluctantly agreed that I wouldn’t have television cameras on me 24/7, just when we were filming. Unfortunately, as the guys hadn’t negotiated that in their contracts, they were stuck with round the clock coverage.

  In any event, I teleconferenced Finn in on my discussions with Cartwright and the studio lawyer. There was a point during the negotiations where I thought Cartwright might actually cry with relief at my so-called capitulation. Several hours later, all was agreed to and the studio lawyer said he would write up the contracts and send them to Finn for signing.

  Cartwright stood up. “We have to stick to our filming schedule. That means you need to be in front of the camera in about three hours. Got it?”

  I swallowed my anxiety and reminded myself that this was all part of my plan and I could manage it.

  He insisted Tony take me to my dressing room. On the way there, I heard my phone ring. I grabbed it out of my purse and checked the number. I didn’t recognize it, but I knew who it was. I looked over at Tony.

  “Can I have a minute?”

  “Sure. I’ll meet you in the dressing room.”

  I stepped to a quiet corner of the corridor and punched on the phone. “Hello?”


  “Slash?” I felt a lump in my throat. It was good to hear his voice.

  “How are you?”

  I swallowed. “I’m hanging in there. I’m having a bad day.”

  There was silence and then he said, “I talked to Elvis. I heard what happened. Come home.”

  I closed my eyes. “I can’t, Slash. I’m not going to let him get away with this.”

  He swore under his breath. “You don’t need to play the hero.”

  “I’m not playing the hero. I’m doing my job.”

  “I will hunt him down for you. I will find him. You know I will.”

  I opened my eyes. “I know. But this is my hunt, my solution.”

  “He hurt you.”

  “Emotionally, yes.”

  “He’s dead.”

  “It’s okay, Slash. I’ve got it under control.”

  “I don’t doubt that. But you don’t have to do it when you have me.”

  “But I do. I need to do it my way.
This is about him and me. He didn’t post a video of you naked on the internet.”

  He growled. “No, I’m not going to just hunt. I’m going to find him, string him up, and torture him before I kill him.”

  I appreciated his fierce support. “Thanks, Slash, but I can handle it. It’s just...completely humiliating.”

  “You shouldn’t be humiliated. You have lovely breasts.”

  For a second I couldn’t speak. “What? saw the video?”

  Dead silence. “Ah, well, I...ah...”

  “Slash? You watched it?”

  “No, no, cara. Of course not. I turned it off immediately.”

  “Don’t lie to me.”

  He sighed, paused. “Si, I watched it.”

  “How many times? The truth, please.”

  “Once.” Silence. “Twice. That’s all.”

  Disbelief swept through me. “How could you?”

  “Cara, I know you are upset, but in Europe things are different. A woman often goes without a top at the beach and no one thinks twice of it. It’s natural.”

  “I’m not European.” My eyes filled with tears. “I wasn’t on a beach.”

  “I know. You are absolutely right. I’m not handling this correctly. That isn’t what I meant at all. I didn’t watch it to see your breasts...although they were perfectly fine.” He swore under his breath. “Now that came out completely wrong.”

  I heard a noise behind me and turned to see Tony waving at me and pointing to his watch.

  I took a breath. “Look, Slash, I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Wait, cara...”

  “I really have to go. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  I punched the button on my phone and stuck it in my purse. I was upset at him and needed to think about what Slash had said, but I didn’t have time right now. I was about to go in front of a television camera and right now that required all my concentration and emotional energy.

  Summoning an inner courage I wasn’t sure I possessed, I walked into Lucy’s dressing room.

  No it was my dressing room now. I had to be confident in my ability to pull this off or the hacker would get away. I looked around. Under my instructions, Kyle had moved my computer setup to the dressing room and it had been nicely placed in one corner of the room. One side of the room was floor-to-ceiling mirror and a peek into an open door to the right revealed a large bathroom.